Freud: The Metapsychological Papers, Papers on Technique and others

  1. Cover, Introduction, Table of Contents
  2. Two Principles of Mental Functioning
  3. On Narcissism - An Introduction
  4. A Note on the Unconscious in Psycho-Analysis
  5. Papers on Metapsychology - Editor’s Introduction
  6. Instincts and Their Vicissitudes
  7. Repression
  8. The Unconscious
  9. A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams
  10. Mourning and Melancholia
  11. Overview of the Transference Neuroses (missing paper not included in the Standard Edition)

  1. PAPERS ON TECHNIQUE (Schriften zur Behandlungstechnik)
  2. TOTEM AND TABOO (Totem und Tabu)
  3. GROUP PSYCHOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF THE EGO (Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse)